FBP donates $12,500 to Piketon Community Improvement Corp.


PIKETON- Fluor-BWXT’s (FBP) commitment to the community includes supporting economic and future development to continue growth in the four-county region. On Wednesday, Sept. 6, FBP presented a check for $12,500 to the Piketon Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) to assist with the purchase and preparation of dilapidated property in the village to prepare for resale and make the community a better place to live.

“The progress this organization has made in the community has brought in new homes where run-down property once stood,” said FBP President and CEO, Greg Wilkett. “This is a real testament to dollars at work making communities a better place to live.”

The Piketon CIC is a 501c3 non-profit private business created to serve as the economic development arm of the village. The CIC focuses on run-down or vacated properties. They use the funds to purchase and pay for the clean-up of properties and then market them for resale.

“If you look down the street here (referring to the streets just west of the government office), you’ll see three new houses being built,” said Piketon Mayor and CIC Board President, Billy Spencer. “We are making real progress in the beautification of our community and the donation from FBP serves as a catalyst to help us reach our goals for community redevelopment.”

To date, FBP has donated $87,500 to the Piketon CIC. For more information about Fluor-BWXT, please visit www.fbportsmouth.com.

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