Homecoming after kidnapping: Chef returns to Fork and Finger


PORTSMOUTH- The greater Portsmouth community was recently shaken to its core, experiencing a near tragedy this past week, when the horrific news broke that a Portsmouth icon had been kidnapped and the potential of his return was completely uncertain. Kidnappers were unresponsive to public pleas and desperate requests for his return. No demands were made for ransom and no communication was established, leaving brokenhearted members of the community waiting for a demand that would break the US Treasury for this beloved figure’s return. The immediate moments following this grisly crime, which sucked oxygen from every room in the region, were telling of a grim potential outcome when the first 48 hours are so important.Yes, we are reporting on the sad news of the abduction of Fork and Finger’s statue mascot, fondly known as Chef.A missing persons report was made for a 48 inch concrete man last seen wearing a red sweater with blue buttons and white accents; a white, blue, and red plaid apron; and an 18 inch chef hat with a blue band.The statue has followed the restaurant at various locations over various moves, but has been on Second Street for 10 years, greeting thousands of customers per year as they enter the restaurant for a home cooked meal and one of Connie’s magical desserts that will break any diet.When news broke, over 1,500 comments were made across two posts made by Fork and Finger staff on social social media channels. They also had nearly 450 shares.One local, Bailey Conkel, asked, “Who is holding chef hostage!!??” before sharing a funny GIF of Liam Neeson starring in the popular “Taken” movie where he is threatening kidnappers, warning them “I will find you.”Others, less bloodthirsty, were mourning the potential loss. Dolly Efaw Cole wrote, “So sad – after all these years of seeing that Chef on display.”

Sad indeed, according to dozens of similar sentiments. Within 24 hours, the heroes of Portsmouth Police Department reported the victim had been located, dumped in a nearby parking lot and he was returned home to safety. Fork and Finger socials thanked Timothy Penley for his safe return. To date, Chef has been speechless concerning his awful time spent with the hardened criminals. The Portsmouth Daily Times reached out to City Manager Sam Sutherland during the time of this breaking news, on his personal cell phone, at 8:52 p.m. to ask him the important question: “Will Timothy Penley be offered the Key to the City for his valiant efforts. No response was received, indicating he is taking this matter seriously, not wanting to reveal his hand in full.While everyone is relieved to see Chef returned to Second Street, it has left some uneasy and demanding justice. One local, Karen Lynette, commented on social media, “Press charges and have courts assign them to dishwasher duties.”Regardless of what karma the universe may dole out to those responsible for this kidnapping, Chef is now safe at home with Bill, Connie and Fork and Finger sta6 at 232 Second Street, where homecooked meals are served warm when they should be, cold as appropriate, and desserts as blissful as possible.

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