2024 Scioto County Fair


Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Breeding Ewe

Class 1 Yearling January

1st place Natalee Eskridge; 2nd place Arleeann Eskridge; 3rd place Amelia

Wheeler; 4th place Mickayal Frazier

Class 2 Fall Ewe September – December

1st place McKinley Artrip; 2nd place Ava Artrip; 3rd place Natalee

Eskridge; 4th place Arleeann Eskridge; 5th place Ryan Salyers

Class 3 Spring Ewe January A

1st place Kinley Wallace; 2nd place Ava Potters; 3rd place Connor Lore;

4th place Penelope Salyers; 5th place Wyatt Waddell; 6th place Amelia


Class 4 Spring Ewe January B

1st place Owen Artrip; 2nd place Elijah Evans; 3rd place Natalee

Eskridge; 4th place Kayleigh Evans; 5th place Haylee Brown; 6th place

Andrew Brown

Class 5 Spring Ewe February & March

1st place Arleeann Eskridge; 2nd place Mia Crum; 3rd place Chloe Lucas;

4th place Indigo Craft; 5th place Mary Beth Sherman; 6th place Donald


Grand Champion Breeding Ewe McKinley Artrip; Reserve Champion Breeding

Ewe Ava Artrip

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Market Lamb

Class 1

1st place Braylee Kent; 2nd place CJ Cronin; 3rd place Claire Phipps;

4th place Avynne Hayes; 5th place Peirson Hayes; 6th place Indigo Craft

Class 2

1st place Elijah Evans; 2nd place Hunter Riley; 3rd place Mason Riley;

4th place Chloe Drake; 5th place Emmylou Ward; 6th place Killien Hayes

Class 3

1st place Leo Allen; 2nd place Josie Drake; 3rd place Penelope Salyers;

4th place Christopher Salyers; 5th place Mickayla Frazier; 6th place

Jaylynn Armstrong

Class 4

1st place Ava Artrip; 2nd place Kinley Wallace; 3rd place Tate Johnson;

4th place Cynthia Bennett; 5th place Jase Neu; 6th place Isabella Elliott

Class 5

1st place McKinley Artrip; 2nd place Wyatt Waddell; 3rd place Olivia Neu;

4th place Miranda Johnson; 5th place Layla Neu; 6th place Amelia Wheeler;

7th place Matthew Wilson

Class 6

1st place Natalee Eskridge; 2nd place Haylee Brown; 3rd place Maddissyn

Hayes; 4th place Madison Crabtree; 5th place Wayne Ward

Class 7

1st place Owen Artrip; 2nd place Mia Crum; 3rd place Kayleigh Evans; 4th

place Bradley Dotson; 5th place Ryan Salyers; 6th place Lucas Allen

Grand Champion Owen Artrip; Reserve Champion Ava Artrip; Grand Best

Scioto County Owen Artrip; Reserve Best Scioto County Natalee Eskridge

Senior Showmanship

1st place Mia Crum; 2nd place Miranda Johnson; 3rd place Kayleigh Evans;

4th place Layla Neu; 5th place Olivia Neu

Intermediate Showmanship

1st place Owen Artrip; 2nd place Ava Artrip; 3rd place Natalee Eskridge;

4th place Tate Johnson; 5th place Ryan Salyers

Junior Showmanship

1st place McKinley Artrip; 2nd place Arleeann Eskridge; 3rd place Kinley

Wallace; 4th place CJ Cronin; 5th place Wyatt Waddell

Senior Skillathon

1st place Kayleigh Evans; 2nd place Mickayla Frazier; 3rd place Alyssa

Belford; 4th place Connor Lore

Intermediate Skillathon

1st place Natalee Eskridge; 2nd place Elijah Evans

Junior Skillathon

1st place Arleeann Eskridge; 2nd place Wyatt Wadddell

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Market Goats

Division 1

Class 1

1st place Jaxon Powell; 2nd place Maddie Lawless; 3rd place Keaton

Essman; 4th place Samantha Niemer

Class 2

1st place Will Kegley; 2nd place Brylynn Jones; 3rd place Autumn Cogar;

4th place Lakin Barker; 5th place Evelynn Tuttle

Class 3

1st place Levi Pickelsimer; 2nd place Linkin Crabtree; 3rd place Ryan


Class 4

1st place Ryan Butcher; 2nd place Miles Ruggles; 3rd place Hannah Dengel

Class 5

1st place Cade Blackburn; 2nd place Gracyn Coriell; 3rd place Sophia

Literal; 4th place Carlie Spencer; 5th place Aria Miller; 6th place

Gunnar Otworth

Class 6

1st place Carson Carver; 2nd place Adalynn Brown; 3rd place Brantlee

Zieber; 4th place Presley Brooks; 5th place Austin Deemer

Division 1 Champion Carson Carver; Division 1 Reserve Champion Will

Kegley; Division 1 Best Scioto County Carson Carver; Division 1

Reserve Best Levi Picklesimer

Division 2

Class 7

1st place Miles Cook; 2nd place Aubrey Pace; 3rd place Myla Butcher;

4th place James Evans; 5th place Allison Crank

Class 8

1st place Cylee Blackburn; 2nd place EmaJae Fenton; 3rd place Maci

Seibert; 4th place Riley Malone

Class 9

1st place Ava Thacker; 2nd place Alexis Schuman; 3rd place Aliyah Breech

Class 10

1st place Hadley Jo Coriell; 2nd place Hayden Crabtree; 3rd place Connor

Ruggles; 4th place Jayclynn Zieber

Class 11

1st place Ethan Cordle; 2nd place Audrina Brewer; 3rd place Eli LeBrun

Class 12

1st place Weston Kegley; 2nd place Addison Armes; 3rd place Mayli Triggs

Class 13

1st place Zolena McGlone; 2nd place Kayla Throckmorton; 3rd place Landon

Butcher; 4th place Kayleigh Stephens

Division 2 Champion Cylee Blackburn; Division 2 Reserve Champion Ethan

Cordle; Division 2 Best Scioto County Cylee Blackburn; Division 2

Reserve Best Scioto County Ethan Cordle

Division 3

Class 14

1st place Caysen Zieber; 2nd place Kaylynn Floyd; 3rd place Maggie-Mae

Clark; 4th place Avery Hayward

Class 15

1st place James Redoutey; 2nd place Nora Campbell; 3rd place Tucker

Niemer; 4th place Karleigh Stephens; 5th place Trevon Deemer

Division 3 Champion James Redoutey; Division 3 Reserve Champion Caysen

Zieber; Division 3 Best Scioto County James Redoutey; Division 3

Reserve Best Scioto County Caysen Zieber

Grand Champion Cylee Blackburn; Reserve Champion Ethan Cordle; Grand

Best Scioto County Cylee Blackburn; Reserve Best Scioto County Ethan


Senior Showmanship

1st place Will Kegley; 2nd place Carson Carver; 3rd place Ethan Cordle;

4th place Levi Pickelsimer; 5th place Ava Thacker

Intermediate Showmanship

1st place Haley Carver; 2nd place Cade Blackburn; 3rd place Presley

Brooks; 4th place Brantlee Zieber; 5th place Audrina Brewer

Junior Showmanship

1st place Cylee Blackburn; 2nd place Adalynn Brown; 3rd place Ryan

Lawless; 4th place Katlynn Floyd; 5th place Linkin Crabtree

Senior Skillathon

1st place Carson Carver; 2nd place Autumn Cogar; 3rd place Anna Knapp;

4th place Connor Lore; 5th place Wilson Kegley

Intermediate Skillathon

1st place Keaton Essman; 2nd place Maddie Lawless; 3rd place Audrina

Brewer; 4th place Jonathan Evans; 5th place James Redouty

Junior Skillathon

1st place Zolena McGlone; 2nd place Kristine Evans; 3rd place Kodah

Littleton; 4th place Scotlyn Crabtree; 5th place Ryan Lawless

Scioto County Jr Fair – Livestock Show – Production Show

Class 7 Jr. Doe March 1st – June 15th

1st place Brylynn Jones; 2nd place Gracyn Coriell; 3rd place Sophia

Literal; 4th place Alexis Schuman

Class 8 Doe Kids February 1st – February 28th

1st place Carson Carver; 2nd place Will Kegley; 3rd place Kennedy Hapney;

4th place Madelyn Caseman; 5th place Scotlyn Crabtree; 6th place Avery

Haywood; 7th place Laylynn Dettwiller; 8th place Angel Rumor

Class 9 Does January 1st – January 31st

1st place Will Kegley; 2nd place Ethan Cordle; 3rd place Jayclynn Zieber;

4th place Zolena Clare McGlone; 5th place Carlie Spencer; 6th place

Caysen Zieber

Class 10 Kid August 1st – December 31st of previous year

1st place Will Kegley; 2nd place Levi Pickelsimer; 3rd place Hailey

Carver; 4th place Maddie Lawless; 5th place Weston Kegley; 6th place

James Redoutey; 7th place Samantha Niemer; 8th place Aliyah Breech

Class 11 Yearling Doe

1st place Will Kegley; 2nd place Weston Kegley; 3rd place Ava Thacker;

4th place Levi Pickelsimer; 5th place James Redoutey; 6th place Maddie

Lawless; 7th place Kayleigh Evans; 8th place Caysen Zieber; 9th place

Kristine Evans; 10th place Lauren Wolfenbarker; 11th place Jeremy

Kuntzman; 12th place Addison Armes; 13th place Brantlee Zieber

Class 12 2yr & Older Doe

1st place Weston Kegley; 2nd place Will Kegley; 3rd place Addison Armes;

4th place Paisley Piatt; 5th place Lauren Wolfenbarker

Grand Champion Breeding Doe Will Kegley; Reserve Grand Champion

Breeding Doe Will Kegley

Class 13 Dam & Daughter

1st place Will Kegley; 2nd place Weston Kegley; 3rd place Addison Armes

Grand Champion Dam and Daughter Will Kegley; Reserve Grand Champion

Dam and Daughter Weston Kegley

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Dairy Goat Show

Class 1 Doe Junior Kid March 1st – June 15th

1st place Angel Rumor; 2nd place Kodah Littleton; 3rd place Mya Littleton

Class 3 Yearling (Dry)

1st place Connor Lore

Class 5 Doe 2 and over

1st place Clayton Lore; 2nd place Connor Lore; 3rd place Angel Rumer

Grand Champion Doe 2 and over Clayton Lore; Reserve Champion Doe 2 and

over Connor Lore

Class 6 Dam and Daughter

1st place Angel Rumer

Senior Showmanship

1st place Clayton Lore; 2nd place Connor Lore; 3rd place Angel Rumer

Intermediate Showmanship

1st place Brooklyn Pennington; 2nd place Anna Wyman; 3rd place Eli

Blevins; 4th place McKenley Arthur

Junior Showmanship

1st place Mya Littleton; 2nd place Milea Blevins

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Pack Show

Class 14 Cart Goats

1st place Eli Blevins; 2nd place Mileah Blevins

Class 15 Pack Goats

1st place Mileah Blevins; 2nd place Lily Coleman; 3rd place Eli Blevins;

4th place McKenzy Arthur; 5th place Brooklyn Pennington; 6th place

Annamae Wyman; 7th place Angel Rumor

Grand Champion Mileah Blevins; Reserve Champion Lily Coleman

Class 21 Pygmy Goats

1st place Mya Littleton

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Poultry Show

Class 1 Market Poultry

1st place JJ Howard; 2nd place Aubrey Compan; 3rd place Rashay Smith;

4th place Evan Stiles; 5th place Gabe Walker; 6th place Sadie Smith;

7th place Daniel Burchett

Class 2 Market Poultry

1st place Cayden Howard; 2nd place Revanna Smith; 3rd place Rylie

Burchett; 4th place Aunna Compan; 5th place Kylie McCleesy; 6th place

Kayleigh Craft; 7th place Brooke Atkins; 8th place Jaelynn Swords

Class 3 Market Poultry

1st place Griffin Allard; 2nd place Eli Myers; 3rd place Riquelle Feman;

4th place Billy Miller; 5th place Morgan Burchett; 6th place Eliza

Arthur; 7th place Nichol Rapp; 8th place McKenzey Arthur

Class 4 Market Poultry

1st place Lainey Hatfield; 2nd place Jae Dadosky; 3rd place Chase Young;

4th place Teegan Allard; 5th place Shaley Boggs; 6th place Paisley Piatt;

7th place Bryson McLaughlin

Class 5 Market Poultry

1st place Zavier Hatfield; 2nd place PJ Miller; 3rd place Corbin Allard;

4th place Heighden McLaughlin; 5th place Walker Brown; 6th place Zack

Fleenor; 7th place Abigail McNutt; 8th place Laiken Caudill

Class 6 Market Poultry

1st place Brexton Cole; 2nd place Maggie Miller; 3rd place Jayden Witt;

4th place Tilton Rapp; 5th place Charles Murphy; 6th place Malachi

McNutt; 7th place Olivia Fleenor; 8th place Adrianna Malone

Class 7 Market Poultry

1st place Blair Ibarra; 2nd place Beckham Cole; 3rd place Haden Powell;

4th place Vacilya Begley; 5th place Megan Hickman; 6th place Russell

Rapp; 7th place Christian Quirasio

Class 8 Market Poultry

1st place Reagan Ibarra; 2nd place Arieghanna Rayburn; 3rd place Laci

Hughes; 4th place Ramya Smith; 5th place Grace Conley; 6th place Josef

Begley; 7th place Dean Rapp

Grand Champion Zavier Hatfield; Reserve Champion Lainey Hatfield; 3rd

place Regan Ibarra; 4th place JJ Howard; 5th place Blair Ibarra; 6th

place Jae Dadosky; 7th place PJ Miller; 8th place Griffin Allard; 9th

place Cayden Howard; 10th place Becham Cole; 11th place Bexton Cole; 12th

place Arieghanna Rayburn; 13th place Aubrey Compan; 14th place Corbin

Allard; 15th place Hayden Powell; 16th place Lacie Hughes; 17th place

Revanna Smith; 18th place Maggie Miller; 19th place Eli Myers; 20th place

Riquelle Feman; 21st place Rashay Smith; 22nd place Chase Young; 23rd

place Billy Miller; 24th place Aunna Compan; 25th place Teegan Allard

Class 1 & Class 2 Fancy Poultry Bantams

1st place Acesus Ruggles; 2nd place Adilynn Crabtree; 3rd place Kayleigh

Stephens; 4th place Chase Moore; 5th place Maddox Crabtree

Grand Champion Acesus Ruggles; Reserve Champion Adilynn Crabtree;

3rd place Kayleigh Stephens; 4th place Chase Moore; 5th place Maddox


Class 1 & Class 2 Fancy Poultry Large Fowl

1st place Maddox Crabtree; 2nd place Eliza Arthur; 3rd place Alyssa Ruby;

4th place Asa Ruby; 5th place Brexton Cole

Grand Champion Maddox Crabtree; Reserve Champion Eliza Arthur;

3rd place Alyssa Ruby; 4th place Asa Ruby; 5th place Braxton Cole

Class 1 & Class 2 & Class 3 Fancy Poultry Pullets

1st place Avery Bohlen; 2nd place Adilynn Crabtree; 3rd place Brexton

Cole; 4th place Madison Crabtree; 5th place Chloe Lucas

Grand Champion Avery Bohlen; Reserve Champion Adilynn Crabtree;

3rd place Alyssa Ruby; 4th place Asa Ruby; 5th place Braxton Cole

Class 1 & Class 2 Fancy Poultry Waterfowl

1st place Vacilya Begley; 2nd place Brexton Cole; 3rd place Beckham Cole;

4th place Kylie Blevins; 5th place Chloe Lucas

Grand Champion Vacilya Begley; Reserve Champion Brexton Cole; 3rd place

Beckham Cole; 4th place Kylie Blevins; 5th place Chloe Lucas

Class 1 & Class 2 Market Turkey

1st place Arleeann Eskridge; 2nd place Billy Yazell; 3rd place Alyssa

Ruby; 4th place Avery Bohlen; 5th place Kinsley Bohlen; 6th place Brennan

Phipps; 7th place Asa Ruby; 8th place Zach Kinnison; 9th place Aiden

Sizemore; 10th place Owen Moore; 11th place Humble Moore; 12th place

Patrick Osborne; 13th place Joey Dadosky

Grand Champion Arleeann Eskridge; Reserve Champion Billy Yazell;

3rd place Alyssa Ruby; 4th place Avery Bohlen; 5th place Kinsley Bohlen;

6th place Brennan Phipps; 7th place Asa Ruby; 8th place Zach Kinnison;

9th place Aiden Sizemore; 10th place Owen Moore; 11th place Humble Moore

Intermediate Showmanship

1st place Eli Blevins; 2nd place Laiken Caudill

Junior Showmanship

1st place Asa Ruby; 2nd place Kinsley Bohlen; 3rd place Milea Blevins;

4th place Brexton Cole; 5th place Adi Crabtree

Senior Skillathon

1st place Autumn Cogar; 2nd place Vacilya Begley; 3rd place Jadyn Hedge

Intermediate Skillathon

1st place Reagan Ibarra; 2nd place Allyssa Hedge; 3rd place Laiken


Junior Skillathon

1st place Brexton Cole; 2nd place Arleeann Eskridge; 3rd place Beckham

Cole; 4th place Blair Ibarra; 5th place Aubrey Compan

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Market Hogs

Division 1

Class 1

1st place Isabelle Graf; 2nd place Ali Shoemaker; 3rd place Brysen

McQuate; 4th place Kevin Elliott; 5th place Kylie Knittel

Class 2

1st place Scotlyn Crabtree; 2nd place Clara Wheeler; 3rd place Tyce Cron;

4th place LayLynn Dettwiller

Class 3

1st place Hope Lore; 2nd place Makenzie Mullens; 3rd place Tayiah Davis;

4th place Gage Knittel

Class 4

1st place Grace Lucas; 2nd place Allyssa Hedge; 3rd place Martin Collins;

4th place Milea Blevins

Class 5

1st place Chloe Lucas; 2nd place Jesslyn Plummer; 3rd place Caden Claxon;

4th place Molly Whisman; 5th place Luke Lewis; 6th place Levi Bruch

Division 1 Champion Chloe Lucas; Division 1 Reserve Champion Isabelle

Graf; Division 1 Best Scioto County Chloe Lucas; Division 1 Reserve

Best Scioto County Isabelle Graf

Division 2

Class 6

1st place Maggie Risner; 2nd place Joshua Bentley; 3rd place Harper

Crabtree; 4th place Eli Blevins

Class 7

1st place Lynli Conkel; 2nd place Makenna Bentley; 3rd place Hattie

Brisker; 4th place Katrina Meachem; 5th place Whitney Adams

Class 8

1st place Taylor Cron; 2nd place Ambreea Sowards; 3rd place Erin

Shoemaker; 4th place Vickie Euton; 5th place Hunter Compton

Class 9

1st place Braydon Williamson; 2nd place Ava Potters; 3rd place Kade

Glockner; 4th place Colby Mullens

Class 10

1st place Layni Conkel; 2nd place Sophia Mougey; 3rd place Myles

Montgomery; 4th place Jadyn Hedge; 5th place Turner Young; 6th place

Hayden Slusher

Division 2 Champion Layni Conkel; Division 2 Reserve Champion Lynli

Conkel; Division 2 Best Scioto County; Division 2 Reserve Best Scioto


Division 3

Class 11

1st place Juleigha Suggs; 2nd place Neveah Porter; 3rd place Wyatt

Weghorst; 4th place Abel Arey; 5th place Connor Coleman

Class 12

1st place Lexie Claxon; 2nd place Kamryn Spriggs; 3rd place Ava Cronin;

4th place Katherine Cyrus; 5th place Kaylee Essman

Class 13

1st place Parker McGlone; 2nd place Collin Greene; 3rd place Ella Carver;

4th place Karleigh South; 5th place Jerrod Kennison

Class 14

1st place Kayden Bentley; 2nd place Caysen Coleman; 3rd place Zeb Wiehle;

4th place Gunner Jenkins; 5th place Kasey Essman

Class 15

1st place Lexi Conkel; 2nd place Christopher Rase; 3rd place Maddox

Crabtree; 4th place Ethan Compton

Division 3 Champion Lexi Claxon; Division 3 Reserve Champion Lexie

Conkel; Division 3 Best Scioto County Kamryn Spriggs; Division 3

Reserve Best Scioto County Cayson Coleman

Grand Champion Lexie Claxon; Reserve Champion Layni Conkel; Grand Best

Scioto County Kamryn Spriggs; Reserve Best Scioto County Chloe Lucas

Senior Showmanship

1st place Grace Lucas; 2nd place Kayden Bentley; 3rd place Kamryn

Spriggs; 4th place Taylor Cron; 5th place Braydon Williamson

Intermediate Showmanship

1st place Chloe Lucas; 2nd place Makenna Bentley; 3rd place Molly

Whisman; 4th place Allyssa Hedge; 5th place Jazelle Stanley

Junior Showmanship

1st place Cayson Coleman; 2nd place Arleeann Eskridge; 3rd place Joshua

Bentley; 4th place Martin Collins; 5th place Gunner Jenkins

Senior Skillathon

1st place Jadyn Hedge; 2nd place Grace Lucas; 3rd place Autumn Cogar

Intermediate Skillathon

1st place Chloe Lucas; 2nd place Allyssa Hedge

Junior Skillathon

1st place Hope Lore; 2nd place Scotlyn Crabtree; 3rd place Arleeann

Eskridge; 4th place Allie Breach; 5th place Clara Wheeler

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Gilt Show

Class 1 Pure Bred AOB

1st place Grace Lucas; 2nd place Arleeann Eskridge; 3rd place Chloe

Lucas; 4th place Chloe Lucas

Grand Champion Pure Bred Grace Lucas; Reserve Champion Pure Bred

Arleeann Eskridge

Class 2 Cross Bred

1st place Grace Lucas; 2nd place Jazelle Stanley; 3rd place Grace Lucas;

4th place Tayiah Davis

Class 3 Cross Bred

1st place Braydon Williamson; 2nd place Wyatt Weghorst; 3rd place Hope

Lore; 4th place Karleigh South; 5th place Arianna Brewer

Class 4 Cross Bred

1st place Kamryn Spriggs; 2nd place Wyatt Weghorst; 3rd place Jazelle

Stanley; 4th place Arleeann Eskridge

Grand Champion Cross Bred Kamryn Spriggs; Reserve Champion Wyatt


Grand Champion Overall Gilt Kamryn Spriggs; Reserve Champion Overall

Gilt Grace Lucas

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Market Steer

Class 1

1st place Annabelle Williamson; 2nd place Logan Hurst; 3rd place Drake


Class 2

1st place Anna Knapp; 2nd place Travis Thompson; 3rd place Walker Dixon;

4th place Emmett Conley

Class 3

1st place Lucy Montgomery; 2nd place Anakin Buckler; 3rd place Elijah

Brown; 4th place Layton Mullins

Class 4

1st place Asher Conley; 2nd place Andrew Brown; 3rd place Alyssa Belford

Grand Champion Asher Conley; Reserve Champion Lucy Montgomery; Rate of

Gain Andrew Brown; Grand Best Scioto County Lucy Montgomery; Reserve

Best Anakin Buckler

Senior Showmanship

1st place Andrew Brown; 2nd place Asher Conley; 3rd place Connor Lore;

4th place Elijah Brown; 5th place Myles Montgomery

Intermediate Showmanship

1st place Natalee Eskridge; 2nd place Lucy Montgomery; 3rd place Emmett


Junior Showmanship

1st place Ronan Conley

Senior Skillathon

1st place Elijah Brown; 2nd place Andrew Brown; 3rd place Layton Mullins;

4th place Alyssa Belford; 5th place Anna Knapp

Intermediate Skillathon

1st place Natalee Eskridge

Junior Skillathon

1st place Scotlyn Crabtree; 2nd place Arleeann Eskridge; 3rd place Tenley


Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Feeder Calves

Class 1

1st place Natalee Eskridge; 2nd place Travis Thompson; 3rd place Alyssa


Class 2

1st place Kelsey LeBrun; 2nd place Lucy Montgomery; 3rd place Andrew

Brown; 4th place Elijah Brown

Grand Champion Natalee Eskridge; Reserve Champion Kelsey LeBrun

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Beef Breeding

Class 1 Spring Heifer Calves (March 1st 2024 – Fair)

1st place Ronan Conley; 2nd place Connor Lore; 3rd place Abigail Miller;

4th place Shelby Hurst; 5th place Aubrey Hurst

Class 2 Junior Heifer Calves (January 1st 2024 – February 28th 2024)

1st place Myles Montgomery; 2nd place Kylie Knittel

Grand Champion Jr. Heifer Myles Montgomery; Reserve Champion Jr.

Heifer Ronan Conley

Class 3 Winter Heifer Calves (November 1st 2023 – December 31st 2023)

1st place Lily McHenry

Class 4 Senior Heifer Calves (September 1st 2023 – October 31st 2023)

1st place Tinley Kinker

Class 5 Late Summer Yearling Female July 1st 2023 – August 31 2023)

1st place Teak Kinker

Class 7 Late Junior Yearling Female (March 1st 2023 – April 30 2023)

1st place Eli LeBrun; 2nd place Brylynn Jones; 3rd place Jonathan Knapp

Class 8 Junior Yearling Female (January 1st 2023 – February 28th 2023)

1st place Andrew Brown; 2nd place Travis Thompson; 3rd place Walker

Dixon; 4th place Maddison Kotcamp

Grand Champion Sr. Heifer Eli LeBrun; Reserve Champion Sr. Heifer

Andrew Brown

Class 9 Dam & Offspring

1st place Layton Mullins

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Dairy Beef

Class 1 Jersey Jr. Calf

1st place Chloe Lucas; 2nd place Kaylynn Floyd

Class 2 Jersey Int. Calf

1st place Gracie Lucas; 2nd place Allie Breech

Class 3 Holstein Int. Calf

1st place Lucy Montgomery

Class 4 Jersey Sr. Calf

1st place Aliyah Breech

Class 5 Holstein Sr. Calf

1st place Makayla Frazier

Class 6 Holstein Summer Yearling

1st place Ava Potters; 2nd place Mia Crum

Class 7 Holstein Jr. Yearling

1st place Maggie Risner; 2nd place Clayton Lore

Class 8 Holstein Int. Yearling

1st place Myles Montgomery

Class 9 Holstein Sr. Yearling

1st place Mia Crum

Grand Champion Jr. Jersey Grace Lucas; Reserve Champion Jr. Jersey

Chloe Lucas

Grand Champion Jr. Holstein Maggie Risner; Reserve Champion Jr.

Holstein Ava Potters

Grand Champion Jr. Overall Maggie Risner; Reserve Champion Jr. Overall

Grace Lucas

Class 10 Holstein Sr. 2 Year Old Cow

1st place Maggie Risner

Class 11 Holstein 4 Year Old Cow

1st place Alexis Osbourne

Class 12 Holstein 5 Year Old Cow

1st place Myles Montgomery

Class 13 Jersey Aged Cow

1st place Aliyah Breech; 2nd place Allie Breech; 3rd place Alexis


Grand Champion Sr. Jersey Aliyah Breech; Reserve Champion Sr. Jersey

Allie Breech

Grand Champion Sr. Holstein Maggie Risner; Reserve Champion Sr.

Holstein Myles Montgomery

Grand Champion Sr. Overall Maggie Risner; Reserve Champion Sr. Overall

Myles Montgomery

Overall Grand Champion Maggie Risner; Overall Reserve Champion Myles


Dairy Herdsman – Aliya Breech

Book Drawing Winner – Chloe Lucas

Senior Showmanship

1st place Myles Montgomery; 2nd place Maggie Risner; 3rd place Ava

Potters; 4th place Mia Crum; 5th place Clayton Lore

Intermediate Showmanship

1st place Lucy Montgomery; 2nd place Chloe Lucas

Junior Showmanship

1st place Kaylynn Floyd; 2nd place Alexis Osbourne; 3rd place Allie


Senior Skillathon

1st place Clayton Lore; 2nd place Grace Lucas

Intermediate Skillathon

1st place Chloe Lucas

Junior Skillathon

1st place Allie Breech

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Western Horses

Class 3 Equestrians with Disabilities Showmanship

1st place Noah Devins; 2nd place Skylar Flanagan

Class 4a Western/Hunter Showmanship 14-18

1st place Sadie Hatfield; 2nd place Victoria Covert

Class 4b Western/Hunter Showmanship 8-13

1st place Zavier Hatfield; 2nd place Drew DeGonzague; 3rd place Lainey

Hatfield; 4th place Kianna Hagen; 5th place Kaitlyn Krutzman; 6th place

Kylie Journey

Class 5a Small Equine Showmanship 14-18

1st place Shelby Perkins; 2nd place Haden Slusher

Class 5b Small Equine Showmanship 8-13

1st place Anika Willis; 2nd place Bailey Bennett; 3rd place Kyanna White;

4th place Zoey Sanford; 5th place Jayden Davis

Class 6a Ranch Showmanship 14-18

1st place Joshline Sanford; 2nd place Devyn Gilliland

Class 6b Ranch Showmanship 8-13

1st place Drew DeGonzague; 2nd place Tatum Underwood; 3rd place Bailey

Adkins; 4th place Eli DeGonzague; 5th place Emilee Richendollar

Class 7 Horseless Horse Showmanship

1st place Rylie Watts; 2nd place Henry Devins; 3rd place Carlie Spencer

Class 8 Equestrians with Disabilities Horsemanship

1st place Noah Devins; 2nd place Carson Lewis; 3rd place Skylar Flanagan

Class 9 Hunter Under Saddle

1st place Hannah Hutchinson; 2nd place Rhyan Alkire; 3rd place Kylie


Class 10 Hunt Seat Equitation

1st place Rhyan Alkire; 2nd place Kylie Journey

Class 11 Ranch Horsemanship

1st place Tatum Underwood; 2nd place Sadie Hatfield; 3rd place Drew

DeGonzague; 4th place Bailey Adkins

Class 12a Western Horsemanship 14-18

1st place Sadie Hatfield; 2nd place Victoria Covert

Class 12b Western Horsemanship 8-13

1st place Zavier Hatfield

Class 13a Walk Trot Horsemanship 15-18

1st place Sadie Hatfield; 2nd place Devyn Gilliland; 3rd place Victoria

Covert; 4th place Rhyan Alkire

Class 13b Walk Trot Horsemanship 12-14

1st place Zavier Hatfield; 2nd place Drew DeGonzague

Class 13c Walk Trot Horsemanship 8-11

1st place Maelynn Compton; 2nd place Emilee Richendollar; 3rd place

Kianna Hagen; 4th place Lainey Hatfield

Class 14 Ranch Riding

1st place Tatum Underwood; 2nd place Mary Beth Sherman; 3rd place Bailey


Class 15a Ground Roping 14-18

1st place Shay Wilson; 2nd place Austin Frantz; 3rd place Alexis


Class 15b Ground Roping 8-13

1st place Zavier Hatfield; 2nd place Eli DeGonzague; 3rd place Tatum

Underwood; 4th place Bailey Adkins

Class 16a Western Pleasure 14-18

1st place Sadie Hatfield

Class 16b Western Pleasure 8-13

1st place Zavier Hatfield; 2nd place Audrina Suthers

Class 18a Ranch Pleasure 14-18

1st place Sadie Hatfield; 2nd place Mary Beth Sherman; 3rd place Kasey


Class 18b Ranch Pleasure 8-13

1st place Tatum Underwood; 2nd place Drew DeGonzague; 3rd place Bailey


Class 19a Open Walk Trot 15-18

1st place Devyn Gilliland; 2nd place Sadie Hatfield; 3rd place Rhyan

Alkire; 4th place Victoria Covert; 5th place Kasey Essman

Class 19b Open Walk Trot 12-14

1st place Zavier Hatfield; 2nd place Drew DeGonzague; 3rd place Audrina

Suthers; 4th place Kaitlyn Krutzman; 5th place Joshline Sanford

Class 19c Open Walk Trot 8-11

1st place Kiana Hagen; 2nd place Lainey Hatfield; 3rd place Allie Breech;

4th place Maelynn Compton

Class 20 Novice Walk Trot

1st place Lainey Hatfield; 2nd place Kylie Journey; 3rd place Maelynn

Compton; 4th place Kynslee Gullett

Class 21 Horseless Horse Walk Trot 8-18

1st place Henry Devins; 2nd place Rylie Watts; 3rd place Carlie Spencer;

4th place Isabella Taylor

Class 22 Reining 8-18

1st place Tatum Underwood

Class 23a Western Trail 8-18

1st place Allie Breech

Class 23b Ranch Trail 8-18

1st place Drew DeGonzague

Class 24a Trail in Hand 15-18

1st place Tyler Slusher

Class 24b Trail in Hand 12-14

1st place Zoey Sanford; 2nd place McKenna Flanagan; 3rd place Baily

Adkins; 4th place Kaitlyn Krutzman; 5th place Shelby Perkins

Class 24c Trail in Hand 8-11

1st place Bailey Bennett; 2nd place Kendall Stephan; 3rd place Jayden

Davis; 4th place Skylar Flanagan; 5th place Lillian Stepp

Class 25 Horseless Horse Trail in Hand 8-18

1st place Rylie Watts; 2nd place Kyanna White; 3rd place Miles Conley;

4th place Carlie Spencer; 5th place Mason Conley

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Gymkhana Horses

Class 1a Key Hole 14-18

1st place Laryn Penix; 2nd place Shay Wilson; 3rd place Laryn Penix;

4th place Mary Beth Sherman 5th place Kasey Essman

Class 1b Key Hole 8-13

1st place Emmitt Mercer; 2nd place Zavier Hatfield; 3rd place Tyleigh

Stephens; 4th place Katie Crabtree; 5th place Paisley Sparks

Class 2a Pole Bending 14-18

1st place Shay Wilson; 2nd place Laryn Penix

Class 2b Pole Bending 8-13

1st place Emmitt Mercer; 2nd place Tyleigh Stephens; 3rd place Brielle

Shackart; 4th place Katie Crabtree; 5th place Allie Breech

Class 3a Stakes Race 14-18

1st place Shay Wilson; 2nd place Laryn Penix

Class 3b Stakes Race 8-13

1st place Emmitt Mercer; 2nd place Tyleigh Stephens; 3rd place Brielle

Shackart; 4th place Eli DeGonzague; 5th place Katie Crabtree

Class 4a Barrels 14-18

1st place Laryn Penix; 2nd place Shay Wilson; 3rd place Mary Beth

Sherman; 4th place Kasey Essman

Class 4b Barrels 8-13

1st place Zavier Hatfield; 2nd place Emmitt Mercer; 3rd place Tyleigh

Stephens; 4th place Brielle Shackart; 5th place Eli DeGonzague

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – English Horses

Class 1a Saddle Showmanship 15-18

1st place Marie Prose; 2nd place Alexis Gilliland; 3rd place Kyleigh

Lykins; 4th place Kristen Bailey; 5th place Shelby Spradlin

Class 1b Saddle Showmanship 12-14

1st place Austin Frantz; 2nd place Kaitlyn Krutzman; 3rd place Maggi

Conley; 4th place Emily Stepp; 5th place McKenna Flanagan; 6th place Lea

Johnson; 7th place Shaylynn Slusher

Class 1c Saddle Showmanship 8-11

1st place Kendall Stephan

Class 2 Horseless Horse Showmanship

1st place Jayne Roberts; 2nd place Tristan Throckmorton; 3rd place Miles

Conley; 4th place Mason Conley; 5th place Braxton Dixon; 6th place Kynle

Moore; 7th place Adriana Shuff

Class 4a Gaited Equitation No Canter 15-18

1st place Marie Prose; 2nd place Kyleigh Lykins; 3rd place Shay Wilson;

4th place Kristen Bailey; 5th place Alexis Gilliland; 6th place Shelby

Spradlin; 7th place Chase Carver

Class 4b Gaited Equitation No Canter 12-14

1st place Austin Frantz; 2nd place Lea Johnson; 3rd place Emily Stepp;

4th place McKenna Flanagan; 5th place Braelyn Shackart

Class 4c Gaited Equitation No Canter 8-11

1st place Kendall Stephan

Class 5a Country Pleasure No Canter 15-18

1st place Carlie Cooper; 2nd place Chandler McCoy; 3rd place Shay Wilson;

4th place Jayden Wheeler; 5th place Kasey Essman

Class 5b Country Pleasure No Canter 12-14

1st place Austin Frantz; 2nd place Lea Johnson; 3rd place Braelyn

Shackart; 4th place Maggi Conley; 5th place Emily Stepp

Class 5c Country Pleasure No Canter 8-11

1st place Kendall Stephan; 2nd place Clara Wheeler; 3rd place Jaycee

Silvey; 4th place Jayden Davis; 5th place Landon Burris

Class 6 Plantation Walking Horse Canter 8-18

1st place Lainie Johnson; 2nd place Chandler McCoy

Class 7a Plantation Walking Horse No Canter 14-18

1st place Carlie Cooper; 2nd place Jayden Wheeler; 3rd place Brooklyn

Pierce; 4th place Kasey Essman

Class 7b Plantation Walking Horse No Canter 8-13

1st place Lea Johnson; 2nd place Shaylynn Slusher; 3rd place Jaycee


Class 8a Easy Gaited Pleasure No Canter 15-18

1st place Kyleigh Lykins; 2nd place Carlie Cooper; 3rd place Marie Prose;

4th place Chase Carver; 5th place Shelby Spradlin

Class 8b Easy Gaited Pleasure No Canter 12-14

1st place Austin Frantz; 2nd place Lea Johnson; 3rd place Audrina

Suthers; 4th place Braelyn Shackart; 5th place Shaylynn Slusher

Class 8c Easy Gaited Pleasure No Canter 8-11

1st place Cailey Burnworth; 2nd place Wraylynn Ward; 3rd place Landon

Burris; 4th place Jaycee Silvey; 5th place Jayden Davis

Class 9 Trail Pleasure Canter

1st place Lainie Johnson; 2nd place Chandler McCoy; 3rd place Shaylynn


Class 10a Trail Pleasure No Canter 15-18

1st place Carlie Cooper; 2nd place Chase Carver; 3rd place Kasey Essman;

4th place Kristen Bailey; 5th place Kaylee Essman

Class 10b Trail Pleasure No Canter 12-14

1st place Austin Frantz; 2nd place Braelyn Shackart; 3rd place Maggi

Conley; 4th place Emily Stepp; 5th place Lea Johnson

Class 10c Trail Pleasure No Canter 8-11

1st place Kendall Stephan; 2nd place Jaycee Silvey; 3rd place Jayden

Davis; 4th place Clara Wheeler

Class 11a Style Racking 14-18

1st place Kaylee Essman; 2nd place Audrey Thoroughman; 3rd place Chandler

McCoy; 4th place Kyleigh Lykins; 5th place Brooklyn Pierce

Class 11b Style Racking 8-13

1st place Kamryn Lang; 2nd place Wraylynn Ward; 3rd place Landon Burris;

4th place Cailey Burnworth

Class 12 Horseless Horse Gaited Pleasure

1st place Braxton Dixon; 2nd place Mason Conley; 3rd place Jayne Roberts;

4th place Miles Conley; 5th place Kynle Moore

Class 13 Novice Rider Gaited Pleasure 1st or 2nd Year in 4H

1st place McKenna Flanagan; 2nd place Clara Wheeler; 3rd place Kynslee


Class 14a Trail Pleasure Racking No Canter 15-18

1st place Marie Prose; 2nd place Audrey Thoroughman; 3rd place Kyleigh

Lykins; 4th place Shay Wilson; 5th place Kaylee Essman

Class 14b Trail Pleasure Racking No Canter 12-14

1st place Lea Johnson; 2nd place Audrina Suthers; 3rd place Maggi Conley

Class 14c Trail Pleasure Racking No Canter 8-11

1st place Kamryn Lang; 2nd place Wraylynn Ward; 3rd place Landon Burris;

4th place Jayden Davis; 5th place Cailey Burnworth

Class 15 Paso Fino Pleasure

1st place Kyleigh Lykins; 2nd place Kristen Bailey

Class 16a Show Racking 14-18

1st place Audrey Thoroughman; 2nd place Kyleigh Lykins; 3rd place

Brooklyn Pierce; 4th place Kaylee Essman; 5th place Shelby Spradlin

Class 16b Show Racking 8-13

1st place Kamryn Lang; 2nd place Landon Burris; 3rd place Cailey

Burnworth; 4th place Wraylynn Ward; 5th place Jaycee Silvey

Class 17 Paso Fino Performance

1st place Kyleigh Lykins; 2nd place Kendall Stephan

Class 18a Speed Racking 14-18

1st place Audrey Thoroughman; 2nd place Brooklyn Pierce; 3rd place

Chandler McCoy; 4th place Haley Little; 5th place Maggi Conley

Class 18b Speed Racking 8-13

1st place Kamryn Lang; 2nd place Landon Burris

Class 19 Hunter Hack

1st place Rhyan Alkire; 2nd place Hannah Hutchinson

Class 20 Hunter Over Fences

1st place Rhyan Alkire; 2nd place Hannah Hutchinson

Class 21 Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences

1st place Rhyan Alkire; 2nd place Hannah Hutchinson

Class 22 Show Jumping

1st place Rhyan Alkire

Class 23b Small Equine Hunter Jumper in Hand 8-13

1st place Zoey Sanford; 2nd place Jayden Davis; 3rd place Lillian Stepp;

4th place Clara Wheeler

Scioto County Jr. Fair – Livestock Show – Rabbit Show

Class 1 Commercial Doe & Litter

1st place Gage Hall

Class 2 Fancy Doe & Litter

1st place Kairi Stidham; 2nd place Spencer Stidham; 3rd place Avery

Dodridge; 4th place Zoreah Humphreys; 5th place Aubrey Hurst; 6th place

Shelby Hurst

Grand Champion Fancy Doe & Litter Kairi Stidham; Reserve Champion

Fancy Doe & Litter Spencer Stidham

Class 3 Lightweight Market Rabbits

1st place Eli Euton

Class 4 Market Rabbits Weight Class A

1st place Zoreah Humphreys; 2nd place Chloe Jordan; 3rd place Arlo Lilly;

4th place Chase Crabtee; 5th place Lucian Morow

Class 5 Market Rabbits Weight Class B

1st place Carter Ingle; 2nd place Brinley Howard; 3rd place Lauren

Chamberlin; 4th place Natalie Newsome

Class 6 Market Rabbits Weight Class C

1st place Luke Buckle; 2nd place Chloe Horner; 3rd place Brooklyne

Howard; 4th place Sophie Horner

Class 7 Market Rabbits Weight Class D

1st place Spencer Stidham; 2nd place Kairi Stidham; 3rd place Mason

Buckle; 4th place Alexander Smith; 5th place Gary Alexander

Class 8 Market Rabbits Weight Class E

1st place Noah Wright; 2nd place Gage Hall; 3rd place Aubrey Hurst; 4th

place Shelby Hurst

Grand Champion Market Rabbits Spencer Stidham; Reserve Champion Noah


Commercial Breeding Rabbits

Class 9 Californian Sr. Buck

1st place Carter Ingle; 2nd place Cameron Lore

Class 10 Californian Sr. Doe

1st place Carter Murphy

Best of Breed Carter Ingle; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Carter Murphy

Class 11 Flemish Giant Sandy Jr. Buck

1st place Mary Beth Sherman

Class 12 Flemish Giant White Jr. Doe

1st place Mary Beth Sherman

Best of Breed Mary Beth Sherman; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Mary Beth


Class 13 New Zealand Black Sr. Doe

1st place Chloe Horner

Class 14 New Zealand White Sr. Doe

1st place Gage Hall

Class 15 New Zealand White Jr. Buck

1st place Gage Hall

Best of Breed Gage Hall; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Gage Hall

Grand Champion Commercial Breeding Rabbit Gage Hall; Reserve Champion

Commercial Breeding Rabbit Carter Ingle

Fancy Breeding Rabbits

Class 16 American Sable Sr. Buck

1st place Gary Alexander

Class 17 American Sable Jr. Doe

1st place Gary Alexander

Class 18 Dutch Black Sr. Doe

1st place Hope Lore

Best of Breed Hope Lore

Class 19 English Spot Tort Sr. Doe

1st place Megan Hickman

Best of Breed Megan Hickman

Class 20 Florida White Sr. Doe

1st place Jackson Cunningham

Class 21 Florida White Jr. Buck

1st place Chloe Lucas

Best of Breed Jackson Cunningham; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Chloe


Class 22 Havana Broken Sr. Buck

1st place Aubrey Hurst

Class 23 Havana Broken Jr. Doe

1st place Aubrey Hurst

Best of Breed Aubrey Hurst; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Aubrey Hurst

Class 24 Holland Lop Solid Sr. Buck

1st place Addison Mullins; 2nd place Julia Gragg; 3rd place Olyvia

Stevenson; 4th place Mya Littleton

Class 25 Holland Lop Solid Sr. Doe

1st place Noah Wright; 2nd place Logan Hurst

Class 26 Holland Lop Solid Jr. Buck

1st place Noah Wright

Class 27 Holland Lop Broken Sr. Doe

1st place Lauren Chamberlin; 2nd place Ethan Mullins; 3rd place Julia


Class 28 Holland Lop Broken Jr. Buck

1st place Stephanie Hill

Best of Breed Noah Wright; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Noah Wright

Class 29 Jersey Wooley Blue Sr. Buck

1st place Peyton Conley

Best of Breed Peyton Conley

Class 30 Lionhead Black Sr. Doe

1st place Shayleigh Stiles

Class 31 Lionhead Broken Jr. Buck

1st place Rylee Gilliland; 2nd place Rylee Gilliland

Class 32 Lionhead REW Sr. Doe

1st place Olivia Fleenor

Class 33 Lionhead Tort Sr. Buck

1st place Richard Aigotti

Class 34 Lionhead Tort Sr. Doe

1st place Mya Littleton

Class 35 Lionhead Tort Jr. Buck

1st place Kodah Littleton

Best of Breed Mya Littleton; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Kodah


Class 36 Mini Lop Solid Sr. Buck

1st place Shelby Coriell; 2nd place Erika Smith; 3rd place Hope Lore;

4th place Brystal Terry; 5th place Lanie Hatfield

Class 37 Mini Lop Solid Sr. Doe

1st place Zoreah Humphreys

Class 38 Mini Lop Broken Sr. Buck

1st place Zoreah Humphreys

Class 39 Mini Lop Broken Sr. Doe

1st place Maria Gragg; 2nd place Shelby Coriell; 3rd place Sophie Horner

Class 40 Mini Lop Broken Jr. Doe

1st place Lexi Hannah

Best of Breed Shelby Coriell; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Zoreah


Class 41 Mini Rex Black Sr. Buck

1st place Autumn Cogar

Class 43 Mini Rex Black Jr. Doe

1st place McKenzey Arthur

Class 44 Mini Rex Broken Jr. Doe

1st place Autumn Cogar

Best of Breed Autumn Cogar; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Autumn Cogar

Class 45 Mini Satin Blue Sr. Doe

1st place Donald Sherman

Class 46 Mini Satin White Sr. Doe

1st place Spencer Stidham

Best of Breed Spencer Stidham

Class 47 Netherland Dwarf Broken Sr. Buck

1st place Spencer Stidham

Class 48 Netherland Dwarf Broken Jr. Buck

1st place Tatum Hull

Class 49 Netherland Dwarf Chocolate Sr. Buck

1st place Layla Craig

Class 50 Netherland Dwarf Chocolate Sr. Doe

1st place Jordan Bradford

Class 51 Netherland Dwarf Siamese Sable Sr. Doe

1st place Humble Moore

Best of Breed Spencer Stidham; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Jordan


Class 52 Polish Black Sr. Buck

1st place Shelby Hurst

Class 53 Polish Black Sr. Doe

Best of Breed Shelby Hurst; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Shelby Hurst

Class 54 Rex Blue Jr. Buck

1st place Zachary Kennison

Class 55 Rex Blue Jr. Doe

1st place Jerrod Kennison

Best of Breed Jerrod Kennison; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Zachary


Class 56 Silver Fawn Jr. Doe

1st place Arlo Lilly

Best of Breed Arlo Lilly

Class 57 Silver Marten Black Sr. Buck

1st place Kairi Stidham

Class 58 Silver Marten Black Jr. Doe

1st place Grace Lucas

Class 59 Silver Marten Black Sr. Doe

1st place Kairi Stidham

Best of Breed Kairi Stidham; Best Opposite Sex of Breed Kairi Stidham

Grand Champion Fancy Breeding Rabbit Spencer Stidham; Reserve Champion

Fancy Breeding Rabbit Kairi Stidham

Senior Showmanship

1st place Noah Wright; 2nd place Autumn Cogar; 3rd place Mary Beth

Sherman; 4th place Erica Smith; 5th place Addison Mullins

Intermediate Showmanship

1st place Kairi Stidham; 2nd place Chloe Horner; 3rd place Chloe Lucas;

4th place Ethan Mullins

Junior Showmanship

1st place Zoreah Humphreys; 2nd place Lainey Hatfield; 3rd place Lucian

Morrow; 4th place Sophie Horner; 5th place Spencer Stidham

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