Thelma (Grace) Burchett Bloomfield Celebrates 100th birthday!


Thelma (Grace) Burchett Bloomfield will celebrate her 100th birthday on August 7, 2024. A lifelong resident of Rosemount/Portsmouth, Thelma has devoted her life to her faith and community. She married Eugene C. Bloomfield, and together they were blessed with four children: Gloria, Dennis, Elissa, and Philip. Her family has grown to include 12 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-grandson, with another on the way.

Thelma has been dedicated to following God since the age of 15 and began her ministry at 18. She is currently pastoring at Candy Run Wesleyan Tabernacle in Lucasville, Ohio, a church she founded 68 years ago. She previously pastored at Beech Fork CBC in Otway, Ohio. Her passion for evangelistic work led her to travel extensively with her family, spreading the word of God.

Her heart for the youth inspired her to start a Youth Camp at Candy Run Church and to help establish several churches in the area. When asked about retirement, Thelma always responds, “When the Lord says it’s enough. I’ll go on to heaven and know I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

Please join us in celebrating Thelma’s remarkable life and legacy of this special milestone on Aug 10 at Clay Township building at 1:00.

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