Hartlage takes a bow, Boyles hired at PACT


A month ago, the Portsmouth Area Arts Council (PAAC) announced that it was searching for a new Executive Director, with previous ED Bailey Hartlage leaving the post to accept a job as the development director for the Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati.

After accepting many applications and taking a careful period to interview and reflect on the decision, it recently announced the hiring of Dani Boyles as Executive Director.

Hartlage served the organization for many years, after spending longer as a volunteer and student within the program.

Hartlage was pleased to hear that Boyles had been accepted for the position.

“I am so excited to see what Dani does with this position and I couldn’t have asked for a better successor,” Hartlage said. “She is talented, motivated, and an all-around good person. I know she will continue the work already established and pave new opportunities for the organization. I can’t wait to watch PAAC’s new chapter unfold with Dani at the helm.”

Portsmouth Area Arts Council President Amy Barnhart said Hartlage leaving was bittersweet, explaining, “I like to tease that I had helped raise Bailey since she was a baby actress. That’s because Bailey had been a part of PAAC for a long time. She was in some of our earliest children’s theater productions, she volunteered while she was in college, and most recently she served over four years as Executive Director. It has been a pleasure to watch her grow. I will miss her, but I’m proud to see her explore new and exciting opportunities!”

Barnhart continued, saying that the role of Executive Director is a tough job, but the board is very excited about Boyles stepping into a legacy of great directors.

“The executive director is the central figure in leading the Portsmouth Area Arts Council,” Barnhart said, “This role involves managing the organization’s administration, grants, and programs. The executive director also works closely with the Board of Trustees to coordinate fundraising, marketing, and community outreach efforts.”

Barnhart said that Boyles is a great fit for the role.

“This may seem like a lot, but I’m sure Dani Boyles is up for the challenge. Her theater experience, marketing knowledge, and devotion to our children’s theater will be an exciting asset to our organization,” Barnhart claimed. “Although there have been some recent changes to the organization, our 2024-2025 season will be exhilarating! We look forward to creating many more memorable moments for our young actors and our community.”

Boyles has been involved in regional theatre for most of her life, with many high-profile roles under her belt and connections within the theatre and arts community coming with those experiences.

“I am so excited I can’t talk,” Boyles said. “The president and vice president mentioned this position to me when they knew it was opening and asked if I would be interested. I looked at them like they were crazy, because it was something that had never crossed my mind. My husband and I were talking it over the following weeks, and I decided I did want this. It is my passion. It is really super cool, and it is helping a community I’ve lived in for ten years now, if not longer.”

Boyles has experience working with youth in theatrical productions, and says that she is excited to make these types of productions her focus moving forward.

“Doing theatre with kids is something that is really cool, because, when they really love it and you can connect with them, they just become this whole new person,” Boyles recalled. “It is just really cool to see and I’m excited to be part of that. As far as theatre goes, I’ve been on the stage; I’ve done that stuff and I’m ready to be backstage and being part of making opportunities happen.”

Boyles says her theatrical experience will be an added benefit for the youth involved.

“My experiences will impact my future with PAAC. I understand the nerves, excitement, and work the kids put into these shows,” Boyles said. “It is three hours a night, but it is a very impactful three hours. I also know how it feels to see the final product on the stage, so I’m able to cultivate that with them, instead of just being the one taking direction and bringing to life something on stage, I’ll be able to play a larger role.”

PAAC is positioned for an exciting season, featuring some big names like Descendants, Addams Family and Newsies, and Boyles is ready to embrace them all to make them wonderful experiences for the kids involved.

“I live five minutes down the road in South Shore, so, at this point, I have no real excuse,” Boyles said. “I’m ready to work with people and artists and organizations to make the arts council special, something big. I want to work on further cementing its place in this community.”

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