City Council to meet Monday


Portsmouth City Council will meet Monday to discuss, among other things, property transfers and amending ordinances.

Included on the agenda are: third readings of an amendment to the ordinance regarding the hours of operation of city offices as well as an ordinance regarding the boarding of vacant or condemned structures.

Seeing a second reading are three pieces of legislation, including the appropriation of $29,500 to modify fencing at the Mound Park Pickleball Courts and the repair of a retarining wall facing 17th Street.

Second reading will be heard on the ordinance authorizing the transfer of Branch Rickey Park and Spartan Municipal Stadium to Shawnee State University.

A resolution will also be heard that will provide for the annual 2025 tax budget.

First reading will be heard on transferring the former Adelphia building at 807 Washington St. to the Southern Ohio Port Authority. The property has been vacant for years, but “is suitable for reinvestment to the right developer which is a task the Southern Ohio Port Authority has better outreach and capabilities to market the property in hopes of revitalizing downtown Portsmouth,” according to the proposed ordinance.

First reading will also be heard on a resolution authorizing City Manager Sam Sutherland to accept a deed to both 802-804 Chillicothe St., to the city. These buildings are currently owned by Kroger Corp., and formerly housed the ADAMHS board offices and a retail space. According to the resolution, the city has received grant funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission to develop the properties into downtown apartments.

City Council will meet at 6 p.m., in the first floor council chambers at 500 Chillicothe St., Portsmouth.

Reach Lori McNelly at [email protected] or at (740) 353-3101 ext. 1928. © 2024 Portsmouth Daily Times, all rights reserved

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