Council to consider transferring Spartan stadium to SSU


Portsmouth City Council will be meeting in regular session Monday to discuss issues including the transference of the Spartan Municipal Stadium complex to the Shawnee State University Service Department.

According to correspondence from City Manager Sam Sutherland to City Council, this issue was originally discussed in November 2023. It was tabled for the time being for the city to do more research into the idea.

“It appears that the transfer can move forward if Council desires,” according Sutherland’s missive.

The university approached the city about taking over the historic Spartan Municipal Stadium complex, which would include Branch RIckey Park baseball and softball fields west of the stadium.

“The university is desirous of this transfer to better support their athletic programs and allow for potential growth,” wrote Sutherland.

The agreement would allow for continued use of the facilities as long as activities did not interfere with university functions.

“Based on discussions with the university, there is great potential for them to develop the area and make it something for our city to be proud of and give it the attention it needs,” Sutherland wrote.

Council could choose to approve the request, modify it, take no action at all, or reject the request.

Council will also consider:

-Setting a public hearing about the city’s tax budget for its next meeting. The deadline is July 20 for the city to file the tax budget with the Scioto County Auditor.

-Discussion of the pickleball courts fencing upgrade

-Amending codified ordinances addressing the parking of trailers on city streets

-Co-naming Kinney Street to Al Oliver Way

-Adopting the 2024 Ohio building codes

Reach Lori McNelly at [email protected] or at (740) 353-3101 ext. 1928. © 2024 Portsmouth Daily Times, all rights reserved

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