Commissioners congratulate retiree, talk land bank, and tout Gould Park


The Scioto County commissioners had a mixed bag of business this week. With a retirement, land bank business, and solid weather offering more opportunities for locals to be out and about at local hotspots, the county has been buzzing.

First, the board offered congratulations to Debby Basham on her retirement after 41 years with the Scioto County Soil and Water Conservation District.

“Thanks so much, Debby, for all you’ve done for the community,” said Commissioner Scottie Powell. “We wish you all the best.”

Basham started at the district in 1983 and has won several awards for her work and dedication.

“That’s a lot of dedication and just loving her work,” said Commissioner Cathy Coleman. “We thank her very much.”

The commissioners also discussed the land bank grant and projects that must be finished in order to continue qualifying for grants. It includes the demolition of some vacant structures for the safety and health of the community.

“There was another property added to the list and we had to make sure we had our priority list,” said Commission Chair Bryan Davis. “We’re almost there and there’s a couple commercial properties and many residential properties that have gone beyond repair status.”

The land bank is aimed at clearing blighted properties and repairing those that can be repaired to maintain the housing market in the county.

The commissioners also affirmed a piece of legislation noting the county’s continued lease of Gould Park, which is the newest park in the county. Located near Greenup Dam, it was opened last year and is home to shelterhouses, restrooms, and an accessible playground for children of all abilities.

Powell said he had been at the Franklin Furnace park just last weekend and met a family enjoying their day there.

“There’s nothing like this around and they were glad to have found it. So, it was a nice day,” Powel said. “I encourage people to experience that park. LIke I said, it’s unlike anything where all children of all abilities can come together and enjoy it.”

The park is a draw not just from Scioto County, but also surrounding areas for its special play opportunities.

“Actually had a guy in Lawrence County say he really enjoyed coming down with his grandkids to the park in Franklin Furnace. They actually come over and do that so they were thankful for the park being built,” Davis said.

In other business, the commissioners also:

-Approved funding and an agreement between the Scioto County Prosecutor’s Office and the Department of Job and Family Services for a prosecutor dedicated to working on child support enforcement.

-Approved an agreement for the prosecutors to budget for the next year’s Victims of Crime Act grant funds.

-Passed a resolution authorizing the Community Development Consultants of Ohio to submit a grant application for CDBG funds.

Reach Lori McNelly at [email protected] or at (740) 353-3101 ext. 1928. © 2024 Portsmouth Daily Times, all rights reserved

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