Annual Portsmouth West Career Day is yet again a success


Over 64 employers with a wide array of occupations were set up to speak with Senator middle school students about job opportunities at the annual Portsmouth West Career Fair.

Even the Portsmouth Daily Times had the chance to speak to these students about what the newspaper industry looks like today and what it means to be in journalism.

Middle school librarian, Sheree Crandall, says that her students look forward to this event and have shared their takeaways year after year, “They love to come in and be exposed to the different careers. Of course there are the occupations that require college, but I’ve had students come back and tell me things like I’ve decided to become a pipefitter, or they joined the Army because they were exposed to those recruiters at the career fair.”

Crandall said that traditionally schools only require high school students at these career fairs, but she feels that middle school students will be able to determine and set some important goals afterwards.

“Middle school is where it begins, especially for the 7th and 8th grade students,” said Crandall “they are able to determine what sort of extra classes they may want to take in high school, if they want to take college credit classes and much more.”

Each student is asked to create lists of questions that would be good to know about that particular career, which is then looked over by the teachers. They then rotate around the gym and ask each employer questions before receiving signatures showing that they learned some new information. Crandall said that she plans to continue hosting the fair, but will even be reaching out to companies in surrounding areas to come and talk about what they can offer those about to enter the workforce.

“Sometimes when you live in a small town you don’t see outside of that small town and all the possibilities there are. I want to make sure they realize that they have all kinds of opportunities and show them things that they may not even think of.”

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