Kiwanis brings more accessibility at Tracy Park playground


Portsmouth Kiwanians have been working to make the Tracy Park playground more welcoming to children of all abilities and, last week, cut the ribbon on their latest project.

There are hundreds of children in Scioto County with disabilities, some of which might make it unsafe for them to play on a typical playground. But the playground at the heart of Portsmouth’s Tracy Park is now home to accessible swings and play area that will offer more fun for more kids to have together.

Portsmouth Kiwanis member Misty Simco was the chairperson on the project.

“We have 299 children just in the 45662 area with developmental disabilities and 402 countywide,” Simco said. “They deserve an opportunity to play with the typical children.”

The improvements include accessible swings, wheelchair and mobility device-friendly play areas, and mulch. It fits with the mission of the Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth, which is: “Dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.”

“This ribbon-cutting ceremony isn’t just about the metal and mulch; it’s about creating a haven of inclusivity, undersatnding and opportunity for our children with developmental disabilities. In this space, we have the opportunity to fulfill this mission in a profound and tangible way,” Simco said. “Here, among this mulch and metal, is a promise of a brighter future for the 402 children throuhgout our county who will benefit from its existence.”

Kiwanis collaborated with Snider Recreation and Coles Landscaping, as well as community donors and the City of Portsmouth to make accessibility a reality.

Reach Lori McNelly at [email protected] or at (740) 353-3101 ext. 1928. © 2024 Portsmouth Daily Times, all rights reserved

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