Wheelersburg named ESC Academic Competition League champions


According to the Department of Education, school-based academic contests for the gifted serve as motivators, nurture healthy self-concepts, teach students to cope with subjectivity, and offer productive role modeling.

All local schools compete, but, recently, Wheelersburg High School’s Academic Competition team, led by Coach Brett Oakes, won the title of 2023-24 ESC Academic Competition League Champions, with just one loss this season.

The Valley High School team, led by Coach Justin Howard, won the Runner-Up title.

League competitions took place from September through December at the South Central Ohio Educational Service Center (ESC), in New Boston.

“We had a memorable run this year as our league was very competitive with lots of young talent and good teams. I think our success is a testament to how dedicated each member of this team is to learning and building their depth of knowledge. My players work hard at their studies and demonstrate great leadership skills and therefore serve as excellent role models for all students. I was honored to have the opportunity to be their coach and so proud of what they have been able to accomplish thus far,” Coach Brett Oakes said. “As for the future, the team is far from finished as we will be back in action on Saturday, December 16, and competing in the High-Q tournament, a tri-state tournament and filmed for TV event run by Ernie G. Anderson at WLGC studios in Ashland, Kentucky. From there, it will be back to Southern Ohio Academic League play at the end of the year county tournament at Shawnee State University. Finally, the team will once again return to the Southeast Ohio Regional Tournament on April 13, 2024 in Lancaster where they will compete for the right to qualify for the Ohio Academic Competition (OAC) state tournament in May. I look forward to seeing what the second half of the season brings.”

Each year, ESC Gifted Services Coordinator, Sharee Price, oversees Academic Competitions, using the Ohio Academic Competition format. The purpose of this competition is to encourage higher-order thinking, recognize outstanding achievement, and promote academic excellence among participating high school students.

“I think a number of the teams were young teams, because the seniors from last year graduated and left openings. I think they all did an exceptionally good job. I was impressed, as always, with the overall great sportsmanship that they showed towards one another. I attribute that to them having such great coaches,” Price said. “Obviously, participating in these kinds of competitions requires them to have a great knowledge about a wide array of topics,” Price continued. “Personally, I am always in awe by the speed in which they react on their feet.”

Approximately 170 students participated in High School Academic Competitions this school year. Participating districts included Clay, Green, Minford, New Boston, Northwest, Notre Dame, Oak Hill, Portsmouth, Scioto County Career and Technical Center, Sciotoville Community, South Webster, Valley, West, and Wheelersburg.

The ESC’s Southern Ohio Academic Competition Tournament will take place at Shawnee State University on February 29, 2024. Tournament winners will advance to the 40th annual OAC Regional Competition on April 13, 2024 at Fisher Catholic High School in Lancaster, Ohio. League winner Wheelersburg High School, along with Tournament winners, will advance to the Regional Competition. Teams that win at Regional Competition will advance to the State Competition in Columbus on May 4, 2024.

Reach Joseph Pratt at (740) 353-3101, by email at [email protected], © 2023 Portsmouth Daily Times, all rights reserved.

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