Trick or Treat scheduled for Oct 31, 5-7 p.m.


The City of Portsmouth and Scioto County have both released a partnered timeframe for trick-or-treaters this Halloween, which is set for Tuesday, October 31, from 5 to 7 p.m.

As usual, Sheriff Dave Thoroughman has listed safety measures parents should consider as we go into the spooky season and going door to door for candy.

The first tip is to plan your route ahead of time and to go over that route with your children ahead of time, so you have an appropriate route to navigate, and children have safer odds if they get separated from their families.

“This allows our children to know where we are going and which way to walk home in the case they become separated,” Thoroughman claimed.

He also told parents to ensure they are chaperoning their children, or ensure they have an appropriately aged guardian to walk with them to supervise their activities.

“It is important that we walk with our kids when they are not teenagers, to protect them and to supervise their behavior,” Thoroughman said.

There were also several rules about sidewalks that he pushed parents to observe.

“Stay on Sidewalks – we need to ensure that we use sidewalks and use crosswalks to avoid being struck by vehicles,” Thoroughman said. “Stay on well-lit roads – it is difficult to see pedestrians when there are no streetlights. So, make sure that you’re trick or treating on streets/roadways that are well lit. Carry a flashlight, glowstick, wear brighter clothing or have reflective bands / tape on the costume. Consider using face paint instead of wearing a mask. Masks hinder your vision and vision is your best friend, since you are walking at night.”

A final, big rule of he pushed was for parents to inspect candy.

“Lastly, inspect the candy before the kids eat it. Make sure that the candy is in its original wrapper and has not been opened. Also, avoid homemade treats. It is very kind of others to prepare such treats, but, as a good rule of thumb, toss these out as you can’t control the ingredients.”

While the Sheriff wants people to be safe, he isn’t the fun police, and wants families to encourage fun this season.

“I enjoy Halloween and the time leading up to it,” Thoroughman said. “The time that we get to spend with our children watching spooky cartoons and movies, seeing who can decorate the best pumpkin, watching the excitement on their face when they are choosing their costume. These are just some tips to make your Halloween safe.”

Portsmouth Mayor Sean Dunne said that there is a lot to do this season and looks forward to watching everyone get out to enjoy themselves.

“Portsmouth is a city that definitely punches above its weight for Halloween,” Dunne claimed. “We have Professor Mirabello’s annual Halloween lecture on Shawnee State campus and we have great fall foliage and great Halloween spirit throughout the county.

Reach Joseph Pratt at (740) 353-3101, by email at [email protected], © 2023 Portsmouth Daily Times, all rights reserved.

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